June 22, 2008

Well, here we go...

Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I had to go get food for the flock. Plus the computer's USB thingy wouldn't work, so I couldn't update, and still isn't working (I'm at an Internet cafe). Ah well...
I finally figured out what Webkinz is, therefore Arrow now has a panda. For safety reasons, username and pet names are not given (so don't get your hopes up, whitecoats). I'm thinking we need to find some way to get an Itex satellite channel again. Would make things so much easier. I'm trying to find the sites of other recombinants, so if you know any, let me know. Gotta fly! Also, don't try playing a DS and flying at the same time... it is hazardous.
P.S. Does anyone know why there's so many avian experiments? Is it just because avian/human crosses tend to work, or is it because there are so many types of bird? Who knows...

1 comment:

Nudge said...

Love your blog!!


PS how are you liking webkinz? so cute right?

PPS if you have room, can you add our blog to your list please?